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CARDONE Reman 2H-114 Diesel Fuel Injector Driver Module Resistor

CARDONE Reman 2H-114 Diesel Fuel Injector Driver Module Resistor

Savings after recycle core return:$17.00
Your cost with recycle core return:$112.93
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The 2H-114 Diesel Fuel Injector Driver Module Resistor from CARDONE Reman is the perfect solution for your diesel engine. This one-of-a-kind product is designed to help maximize performance and reduce emissions from diesel engines. The resistor is designed to be easy to install, with no special tools required, and can be used in a wide range of vehicles. Additionally, it offers a long service life, so you can have peace of mind knowing it will last for years to come.

The 2H-114 Diesel Fuel Injector Driver Module Resistor from CARDONE Reman is the ideal choice for anyone looking for a reliable and efficient performance from their engine. The resistor is designed to provide maximum power and efficiency while minimizing emissions, allowing you to enjoy a smooth ride at all times. The product is also built to be durable, with a long service life, so you can rest assured that it will last for years to come.

CARDONE Reman's 2H-114 Diesel Fuel Injector Driver Module Resistor is the perfect choice for anyone looking for an efficient and reliable performance from their engine. The product is designed to provide maximum power, efficiency and reduced emissions, making it an ideal choice for anyone who wants to get the most out of their vehicle. Additionally, the resistor is easy to install, with no special tools needed, and offers a long service life


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